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I’m only human

Good morning!

There is always a place on Earth where the day is just beginning.

What is this blog about?

The blog contains loosely related topics from the broad field of IT. The aim of each post is to provide computer and network users - at home or at work - with interesting and factual information. The blog is intended to educate. Most of the information related to IT is commonplace. The blog attempts to translate what is obvious to IT professionals into simple language. The blog does not publish content aimed at increasing the number of readers.

Who is running it?

A member of a certain IT department. Passionate about self-hosting, homelabs, and docker. Known by the nickname “BANANA.”

Who is it for?

If you’re here, it’s for you! There is always something “new” here, described or presented differently.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media.

The blog is not associated with any social media. It’s a bit of a journey back in time to the pre-Facebook era - then, pages and blogs defended themselves with content, and somehow information about them “spread.” It is also a kind of test of whether you can achieve anything in the surrounding world this way.

Is this Wordpress?

No, this is not another website based on WordPress. This is a website based on Hugo.

Why Hugo? Hugo is a popular static website generator. Its main advantage is the speed of generating web pages, which means that websites created in Hugo work very quickly. In addition, websites created in Hugo are easy to manage and maintain, and hosting costs are much lower than with traditional CMS systems like WordPress.

Hugo is based on templates and Markdown files, which means that the content and style of the website are separate, making it easier to manage and update the site. The source code for the Hugo website can be stored on platforms like GitHub or GitLab, and the website can be hosted on platforms like Netlify or GitHub Pages, which offer free hosting for such sites.

In summary, Hugo is an efficient and easy-to-use static website generator that offers low maintenance and hosting costs. If you’re looking for an alternative to WordPress, it’s worth considering using Hugo to create your website.


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